DeFi automation made simple with perpetual call options
Last updated
DeFi automation made simple with perpetual call options
Last updated
VaultCraft's DeFi products make it simple for anyone to deploy automated yield strategies AND optimize yield on their crypto assets within a few clicks. All flagship Smart Vaults earn oVCX, perpetual call options, weekly in Smart Vault gauges. Use VaultCraft to:
ZAP any asset on any chain into Smart Vaults
EARN risk-adjusted yield on your crypto assets
BOOST AND ARB with oVCX rewards
CUSTOMIZE and deploy your own vault strategy
INTEGRATE the VaultCraft SDK
TRACK your positions and performance
Audited by Paladin, Code4rena, BlockSec, Zokyo, and over 200 White Hats
Bounties live with Immunefi for 3 years.
VaultCraft V1.5 has made things significantly more affordable, simpler, and more capital-efficient. Here's what we've introduced:
XP points
Multichain Gauges
Leverage Farming with Money Markets
Multi-strategy Smart Vaults
Vaultron Optimizer
Smart Vault Pages
You can read about the release on https://medium.com/vaultcraft